Guide to the Great Fame Animals (Ungulata) in the Department of Zoology, British Museum (Natural History) : Illustrated By 53 Text And Other Figures

Cover Guide to the Great Fame Animals (Ungulata) in the Department of Zoology, British Museum (Natural History) : Illustrated By 53 Text And Other Figures
Guide to the Great Fame Animals (Ungulata) in the Department of Zoology, British Museum (Natural History) : Illustrated By 53 Text And Other Figures
British Museum (Natural History). Department of Zoology
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[Cases Tfco Pii,.|ike BroUD "^^^ Hippopotamuses, the Peccaries of 65-67.1 ! ■ SHIM ^™^"^^' ""^^ *^® ^'^ ""^ *^® ^^^ ^"^^^^ '^™ oOGllon oUmA. ^j^g jjj^g^ generalised section of existing Artiodactyle Ungulates, known as the Suina. Their molar teeth have tuberculated, or " bunodont,'' crowns ; and the third and fourth metacarpal and metatarsal bones of the feet are either completely separate, or are not fully united to form cannon-bones.
Extinct forms serve, however, to connect the Suina more or l
...ess closely with the Pecora.
[Cases The HippopoUmuseS. ^^^ Hippopotamuses— both the species of '' "" ^''^ Family Hippopotamida. ''^''^ ^;' ^^f ^^^ '^ ^''''^ ""f '"^^ ^' included m the genus Htppopotamtis — are characterised by their massive form, the wide and squared muzzle, and the broad and short feet, which have four subequal toes.
Digitized by VjOOQ IC HIPPOPOTAMUSES. 63 bearing short, rounded hoofs, and all touching the ground. The large incisor and canine teeth grow continuously; the upper incisors curving outwards, and the lower projecting forwards, while the canines are very large, and those of the upper jaw directed downwards.

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