Gun Shy (2014)

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The book Gun Shy was written by author Here you can read free online of Gun Shy book, rate and share your impressions in comments. If you don't know what to write, just answer the question: Why is Gun Shy a good or bad book?
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So far, what he’d been able to gather was that three men had come into town early to drag the blacksmith out of bed. They’d busted a wheel on the road and were willing to pay extra to have it repaired immediately. The men had waited, patiently by all accounts, for the wheel to be fixed and when it was ready, they went on their way. It wasn’t such an unusual story, except for the part where Jane had raised an alarm calling them outlaws and then chased them out of town.
    When Lily was through,
...Lyle shook his head. “Jane told you to go to the fort for help and then she followed these men—the ones she told you were dangerous—all on her own.”
    Lily winced but she didn’t deny it. “She sent me to the fort with the message and she followed the wagon. There was no one else. Everyone able was over at the Gavins’ place to help raise the barn. The patrol was out and all of the Rangers you left behind were on duty.”
    When he swore, Lily shifted uneasily.

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