Haley's Man

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What reading level is Haley's Man book?
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She could easily get Seth’s cell number or send him a message through social media. Just because he’d left didn’t mean he’d walked out of her life forever.
But for tonight he was gone. He’d chosen his “plans” over her because she’d turned him off, first by throwing herself at him and then by running away to chase after someone else. She dug her nails into the half-and-half carton.
“Don’t even think about putting that in the mini-fridge,” Lola ordered, nodding at the half-and-half, as she hopped
...on the barstool next to Gina. “I’m dying to have something that’ll get the taste of Scotch out of my mouth.”
Haley busied herself with taking the martini glasses from the cabinet behind her.
Then she returned to the counter and began pulling the rest of the ingredients out of her bag.
As she lined the chocolate liqueur and crème de cacao on the counter, a feather-light touch skimmed the ankle strap of her black high-heeled open-toed sandal. She jerked, barely stifling a scream as she glanced down.

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