Hand-Book of the Rules of Pleading for New York State : a Compendium of the Rules of Practice in Pleading, As Settled By the Latest Decisions of the Courts

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Admissions by not denying. Where a separate de- fense in an answer makes no denial of any of the alle- gations of the complaint, such complaint stands ad- mitted upon demurrer to such defense, although there are denials in other portions of the answer ; Valentine v. Bunt, 22 N. Y State Eep. 847 ; 51 Hun, 544.
In general. Where the answer of a defendant does not deny the allegations of the complaint, but sets up new matter in avoidance thereof, if he fails to prove his defense the averments of t
...he complaint stand ad- mitted without proof; Conner v. Keese, 105 N. Y. 643.
But a failure to deny an allegation in the complaint is not necessarily such an admission of the cause of ac- tion, that a judgment contrary to the admission is erroneous, if affirmative matter of defense is stated ; Newell v. Doty, 33 N. Y. 83.
Of implied matter. A contract set forth in a com- plaint, not being denied by the answer, must be deemed admitted, and it must also be deemed to be ad- mitted that the contract was one binding on the par- ties to it ; Wiltsie v.

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