Hand-List of Seals, Morses, Sea-Lions, And Sea-Bears in the British Museum

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In the young skull of Phoc- arctos elonr/atus from Japan this tooth is perfectly developed; but it is absent on both sides in the adult, leaving a vacant space.
* Head elongate ; face produced, 3. PHOCAECTOS, Gray, Suppl. Cat. Seals 6f Whales, p. 15.
Skull elongate, front part much longer than twice the length of the hinder part of the skuU to the condyle. Palate very deep, much wider in the middle. Under-fur sparse.
Grinders : 5th and 6th hinder upper quite behind the hinder edge of the zygoma
...tic arch.
1. Phocaectos Hoojkeei, Gray, Suppl. Cat. Seals ^ Whales, p. 15.
Arctocephalus Hookeri, Oray, Cat. Seals 8,- TVJiales, p. 53, p. 44.
f. 15 ; Cat. Mam. B. M., Seals, p. 31, f. 14 (bones of teet).
Otaria Hookeri, ClarJc, P. Z. S. 1873, p. 754, fig. (skull, adult male) Arctoceuhalus falklandicus, Burmeister, Ann. Sr Mag. Nat. Hist.
1866/xviii. t. 9. figs. 1-4 (skull).
Otaria jubata, Allen.
Animal, stuffed, adult female.
Arctocephalus Hookeri, Gray, Voy. Erebiis ^ Terror, pi. xiv.
336 c. SkuU of above, broken.

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Hand-List of Seals, Morses, Sea-Lions, And Sea-Bears in the British Museum
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