Hartas Maturin [a Novel]

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Hartas Maturin [a Novel]
Lester, H. F. (Horace Frank), B. 1853
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It was a dis-^ agreeable prospect, and Mrs. Vane cordially trusted that the danger cloud would pass by.
Dr. Maturin might not come to Castro, after all; he might be so enchanted with Athens or Constantinople that he would not care to visit poor little Mytiline at all. She did not suppose that he made it his business in life to go about poisoning or suffocating people, even if he had really But she pre- ferred, even in her own mind, to throw a veil over the dark suspicions of the past. She would
... receive Dr. Maturin, if he came, with-» out hostility, and judge him on his merits, if he had any. . .
Digitized by Google CHAPTER V.
Lady Cathcart^s visit was not a long one.
The girls liked her, because she was good- natured and eccentric and made them laugh.
The colonel himself was a little afraid of her, but Mrs. Yane enjoyed seeing any cultivated Englishwoman in her exile. She hoped that Lady Cathcart would stay some time ; indeed, she had promised to do so, but one morning she announced at breakfast, in the most matter-of-fact way, her intention of departing for Syra the same day.

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Hartas Maturin [a Novel]
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