Have No Shame

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The book Have No Shame was written by author Here you can read free online of Have No Shame book, rate and share your impressions in comments. If you don't know what to write, just answer the question: Why is Have No Shame a good or bad book?
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The cypress trees stood tall and bare, like sentinels watching over the St. Francis River. The bugs arrived early, thick and hungry, circling my head like it was a big juicy vein as I walked across the rocks toward the water.
    My legs pled with me to jump from rock to rock, like I used to do with my older sister, Maggie, who’s now away at college. I hummed my new favorite song, Penny Lane, and continued walking instead of jumping because that’s what’s expected of me. I could just hear Daddy a
...dmonishing me, “You’re eighteen now, a grown up. Grown ups don’t jump across rocks.” Even if no one’s watching me at the moment, I wouldn’t want to disappoint Daddy. If Maggie were here, she’d jump. She might even get me to jump. But alone? No way.
    The river usually smelled of sulfur and fish, with an underlying hint of desperation, but today it smelled like something else all together. The rancid smell hit me like an invisible billow of smog.

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