Heart of Steel (2011)

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Heart of Steel
Meljean Brook
The book Heart of Steel was written by author Here you can read free online of Heart of Steel book, rate and share your impressions in comments. If you don't know what to write, just answer the question: Why is Heart of Steel a good or bad book?
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He loved how irritable she was when her knees hurt, but couldn’t love the reason for it—and at least he could support her through it. In just a few days, their mornings had become ritual: a quick wash, followed by pacing. Today, that ritual had to begin earlier, but they’d start with a meal.
As Archimedes had requested the night before, a galley assistant brought their breakfast to them—two bowls of oat porridge and black coffee. Yasmeen hated the coffee, but Archimedes would drink hers, too. Sh
...e lifted her head from her pillow when he pulled the trunk from beneath her bunk—God, what she’d done to him on it yesterday—and used it as their table. Eyes still heavy, she began pacing right after eating, hobbling along. She didn’t seem to have slept any better than he had—wondering half the night if they would be under a mutiny, perhaps.
Finally, she dressed in extra layers, strapped on her weapons, and gathered their packs: food in both, a bedroll to share in his, a change of clothes for each of them in hers, in case those they were wearing became wet.

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