Her Godfather: a Dark Romance (With Free Bonus Book: Trapped in His World)

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Her cast on her arm was gone and she was learning to maneuver her walker enough to get around the lower level of the house. Anna helped her get dressed in a fresh blouse and palazzo pants that somewhat hid her cast. She was sitting at the table with her leg propped up in a chair when the guests finally arrived.
    “My dear, I heard that you had such a horrible accident. I am glad to see you up and feeling well,” Nancy said.
    “Yes, it has been quite the ordeal,” Rhonda said. “But Anna has tak
...en great care of me, and Joel has made sure that I have what I want and need. I am looking forward to the day when this cast comes off my leg and I can move around without this bulky walker.”
    “You should not try to rush it. From what I heard you were seriously injured and are lucky to be alive. How terrible that must have been for you,” Nancy said.
    The cook arrived with a platter of hamburgers that he cooked on the charcoal grill.

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Her Godfather: a Dark Romance (With Free Bonus Book: Trapped in His World)
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