Her Last Chance

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The feds were in the corner of the room, as far removed from eavesdroppers as they could get. Walker sat on a table, one foot planted on the floor, the other dangling in the air, swinging backwards and forwards.
The lieutenant was outlining the plan to the next shift. They’d let the press believe they’d caught the Blade Hunter, but the FBI, Brooklyn PD and NYPD knew better. Not that they’d released Dancer, yet.
Detective Jenkins would work her day shift and tonight, after the evening edition of
...The NY News came out, she would go back to her lonely apartment in Bay Ridge. Except tonight she wouldn’t be lonely. They’d have officers all over her apartment building.
Setting the trap and baiting the hook.
“You really think this is going to work?” The skin under Agent Walker’s eyes looked sunken and heavy. Red veins formed a delta across the whites of his eyes and the stubble on his chin was almost enough to be classified as a beard.
Marsh shrugged. Maybe not tonight, but given time the Blade Hunter would go after the pretty cop—he was too egotistical not to.

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