Her Risk to Take

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The book Her Risk to Take was written by author Here you can read free online of Her Risk to Take book, rate and share your impressions in comments. If you don't know what to write, just answer the question: Why is Her Risk to Take a good or bad book?
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It was eight AM and he’d spent the whole night sitting in a stinking jail cell, worried that as soon as Terry got out he’d gone hunting for Sarah. Cal passed her on the drive back home, already on her way to work. She’d assiduously avoided eye contact.
Cal had been released without charge as soon as his court appointed lawyer turned up. Apparently the sheriff hadn’t called her until six AM—a “communications error” according to Talbot. The lawyer—a young lady named Deanna Montrose—had urged Cal t
...o file an official complaint, but he’d just wanted to get out of there and make sure Sarah was okay. He’d phoned to apologize and tell her to watch out for his stepbrother, but she wasn’t answering her cell. He’d hurt her yesterday and the look in her eyes when he’d lied and said he didn’t love her? It gutted him. But maybe it was for the best.
He dragged the first sack of feed off the bed of the truck, hoisted it over his shoulder. Did the same with a second bag. He turned and there stood Nat, staring at him with a wariness in his eyes he’d never seen before.

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