Her Secret Pirate

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Rebecca saw a newspaper article detailing the incident at sea. There was a photo of the Ambassador and her. There were pictures of uniformed personnel escorting them to the boat that took them to the Navy ship. The four SEALs with the camouflaged faces weren’t there. One moment, when she’d turned after joining her father, she saw them still standing watch in the shadows. Next, they were gone.
    It was like a dream.
    She remembered all that had happened with vivid detail—the sudden shouts, t
...he frantic rush to get to the safe room, hiding in the dark by herself, and especially the hero who came to her rescue.
    She couldn’t forget the violent fight. What was Zone doing now? How many more of that kind of fights had he been in?
    The media had tried to get Rebecca to talk more about the rescue, especially about the SEALs they’d been informed were involved, but she’d kept most of the details out of her story.

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