Herbal Simples

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Herbal Simples
Fernie William Thomas
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. 322 Sloe juice . . . • 330 Strawberry, wild . . 340 Yarrow 403 From Lungs — Plantain, greater .. 273 Sanicle (profuse) .. 322 Yarrow ..
.. 403 BLOODLESSNESS(Ansemia).
Marsh marigold .. 213 BOILS.
Daisy .. 91 Dock . .
.. 100 Fig .. 126 Carbuncular — Radish juice . .
.. 286 BOWELS and Stomach.
Catarrh — Quince seeds 284 BRAIN, to Strengthen.
Apples . . . . . . 22 Cresses . . . . . . 82 Mistletoe .. ..224 Hosemary . . . • 298 Sage 310 For Active Congestion — Lettuce, wild . . . . 196 For Passive
... Congestion — Saffron 308 With Sickness — Walnut spirit .. ..389 BREAST, Hard Cancer of.
Goosegrass . . . . loO Marjoram . . . • 214 Parsley poultice . . 269 Swollen with Milk— Parsley leaves . . . . 269 BRONCHITIS.
Recent Catarrh — Eyebright .. .. 112 Fig 125 Linseed, flax . . . . 131 Yarrow tea . . . • 403 Chronic— Angelica . . . . 20 Anise (of children) . . 20 Coltsfoot .. ..77 Garlic . . . . . . 133 Ginger . . . . . • 251 Horehound, white . . 169 Hyssop . . . . . .

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