Highly Charged! (2011)

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The book Highly Charged! was written by author Here you can read free online of Highly Charged! book, rate and share your impressions in comments. If you don't know what to write, just answer the question: Why is Highly Charged! a good or bad book?
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10 BRAD’S TIRES CRUNCHED over fragmented stone as he screeched to a halt. This mess of gray rock hadn’t been here this morning. Had Nikki been working on another project? Or had someone been here causing more damage?
He took the porch steps in one bound and slammed through the screen door.
Why had she left it unlocked when someone was out to cause trouble for her?
“Nikki!” he shouted from the living room. Book piles littered the floor, unchanged to his trained eye. The plywood-covered front wind
...ow was still intact—but that didn’t mean an intruder hadn’t strolled right through the front door.
Brad ran his hands through his closely cropped hair, tugging the short strands in frustration. Did she not grasp the danger she faced? Maybe hearing Angelica’s news would make her take things more seriously. Either way, dead bolts were going on the doors tomorrow.
He raced to the kitchen. Killer wagged his scruffy tail, but barely lifted his head from a bowl of dog food, his ears flopping on the sides to drag on the floor.

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