Hindenburg's March Into London

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Riders dismount ! The interior of the mod- ern battlefield belongs to the infantry.
The reserve battalions on the margin of the battlefield receive the order to make their way into the foremost trenches, in order to strengthen the firing line. Much blood has been shed there. The battalions are to jump into the hard-fought trenches . . . and the soldiers burn to go to the assistance of their sorely pressed brothers.
The battalion falls out into thin lines and groups, and each small group must no
...w see to make its own way forward safely. The ground is not favorable for bringing up re- serves. Hedges, walls and clumps of trees oflfer cover. Where, however, the reserve troops have to run over an open piece of ground an awful rain of iron pours down on them. Be- tween the tree clumps Death stands and de- mands toll of the passers-by.
The storm of battle rages dreadfully. The 76 Hindenburg's March into London reverberation of the explosion never dies down, as the decHning growl is at once caught up by the next shell.

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Hindenburg's March Into London
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