Hints for Lovers

Cover Hints for Lovers
Hints for Lovers
Shapiro Bruce Rogers Collection (Library of Congress) Dlc
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A man imagines he wins by strenuous assault. The woman knows the. victory was due to surrender.
* * * Wouldst thou ask ought of a woman ?
Question her eyes : they are vastly more vol- uable than her tongue. Indeed, . * There is no question too subtile, too delicate, too recondite, or too rash, for hu- man eyes to ask or answer. And He who has not learned the language of the eyes, has yet to learn the alphabet of love. Besides, Love speaks two languages : one with the lips ; the other with the e
...yes. (There is really a third; but this is pentecostal.) — At all events, [ "5 ] Hints for Lovers Lovers always talk in a cryptic tongue.
There is but one universal language — the ocular : not Volapuk nor Esperanto is as intelligible or as efficacious as this.
•)^ « « No woman can be coerced into love, -~ though she may be coerced into marriage.
And Man, the clumsy wielder of one blunt weapon, often enough stands agape at his own powerlessness before the invulnerable woman of his desire.

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