His Acquisition

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The house sat on a corner uptown where all the better people lived. It was a tall, red brick building with a polygonal tower and a peaked roof. The majority of the house stretched out behind the narrow facade, dotted with stained glass windows and iron railings and jutting gables, a classic example of the American Queen Anne style. It made me feel grubby and cheap, even though I'd put on a pair of expensive designer jeans and a thick sweater and taken an extra long bath at Felicia's behest.
...llectually I knew my clothes were top-of-the-line, and Felicia and I had both had our hair done by one of the finer hairdressers in the city, but I'd been a starving artist for years, using cheap shampoo and getting all my clothes at real thrift stores, the ones that smell like mothballs, not the trendy ones in the cutesy artsy areas of Manhattan, and that sort of life is hard to shake off. I'd never, ever felt weird and out of place when I was poor. I wore my poverty like a badge of honor, flaunting it in front of the people in suits with “real”

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