His Best Friend's Baby

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The book His Best Friend's Baby was written by author Here you can read free online of His Best Friend's Baby book, rate and share your impressions in comments. If you don't know what to write, just answer the question: Why is His Best Friend's Baby a good or bad book?
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“Got it!” she yelled so no one would interrupt and hear her talking to Caleb Gomez. Oh, man. That would be bad. She’d called the San Diego Naval Hospital two days ago, leaving a message for him to call back today. Right now. She wanted to talk to Caleb Gomez for two reasons. One, her mother refused to, thinking that Caleb only wanted to write a story about what happened. But what if Caleb wanted to thank Jesse for saving his life? Wouldn’t that help him? Wouldn’t that make him feel better? Two…w...ell, was her English paper. It was already too late, school got out three days ago and she’d turned in that stupid essay on government spending for social work. But she still wanted to write an article about her uncle, and maybe Caleb, for her summer internship at the newspaper. She grabbed the receiver in the kitchen and quickly snuck into the crawl space under the stairs. All the buttons glowed green in the darkness. She hit the talk button. “Hello,” she whispered and then realizing she’d whispered she practically yelled, “Hello.”

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