His Canvas

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The icy wind and gray sky were going a long way towards helping me get centered and alert. Mostly I was reeling from our sexual encounter and trying to maintain my customary ironic distance. It was rather difficult, however, since my legs still shook with the aftermath of his ministrations.
What was going on with me? I wondered. I'd been really into guys before, but this didn't feel quite the same. The way I fell into his embrace, welcoming the pleasure he gave me... it truly did feel as though
...we'd known each other before. Bound by the red thread of fate? Was that what he'd said the other day? We'd known each other in another life?
The idea freaked me right the fuck out, and by the time he exited the door of his mansion, impeccably dressed, I was well on my way toward my much loved ironic distance.
But when he reached me, he pulled my hand into the crook of his arm and began to lead me down the sidewalk, just like a Victorian gentleman, and my distance was halved. At least.
"So where do you want to go to lunch?" I asked him.

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