His Excellency: George Washington

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Before the American Revolution, Washington’s reputation was regional rather than national, and it rested—rather precariously, it turned out—on his landed wealth, part of which came with Martha’s dowry and part of which came as a consequence of his military service during the French and Indian War. After Yorktown his preeminence was national, indeed international, and it rested on the purity of his revolutionary credentials, a nearly inexhaustible reservoir of conferred grace akin to canonization.... He had made himself the center of gravity around which all the revolutionary energies formed, had sustained the Continental army for nearly eight years of desperate fighting, and then had surrendered his unprecedented power in a symbolic scene that struck most observers as the last act in a historical drama written by the gods. He was, as one lyrical tribute put, “the man who unites all hearts,” the American Zeus, Moses, and Cincinnatus all rolled into one. The poet Francis Hopkinson described him as “the best and greatest man the world ever knew,”

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