His Family

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His Family
Macmillan Company. Pbl
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Digitized by Googk CHAPTER XXVI It was only a few days later that Edith arrived with hear children.
Roger met her at the train at eight o'clock in the even- ing. The fast mountain express of the sunmier had been taken off some time before, so Edith had had to be up at dawn and to change cars several times on the trip. ^'Bhe'U be worn out/' he thought as he waited. The train was late. As he walked about the new station, that monstrous sparkling hive of travel with its huge halls and passage* way
...s, its little village of shops tmdergroimd and its bewildering levels for trains, he remembered the interest Bruce had shown in watching this inmiense piusle worked out, the day and night labor 3rear after year without the stopping of a train, this mighty symbol of the times, of all the glorious power and speed in an age that had been as the breath to his nostrils. How Bruce had loved the city I As Roger paced slowly back and forth with his hands clasped behind his back, there came over his heavy visage a look of affection and r^ret which made even New Yorkers glance at him as they went nervously bustling by.

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