His Inspiration

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"He's in a sex coma," I snapped, all my good sex vibes falling away and my typical crankiness reasserting itself. "Who is this?" "No, you tell me who the hell you are and you put Mr. Ward on the phone right goddamn now." Damn, this dude was rude to someone he'd never met. “I'm Sadie MacElroy,” I said. Then, because I thought I could perhaps parlay it into some sort of social currency: “Mrs. Anton Waters' personal assistant." At the other end of the line, Don was quiet for a moment, clearly reass...essing the situation. Yes! I thought. Finally that stupid job came in handy for something other than boring shit like keeping food on the table and a roof over my head.
"I apologize, Miss MacElroy," Don finally said, his voice now stiff and formal, "but I am Mr. Ward's secretary. I hope you will understand that this is an emergency and put Mr. Ward on the line." Ah. The secretary to whom Malcolm had given over the reins of the company. I could sympathize. I really could. It was always a frantic day when something big had gone down and you couldn't contact your boss.

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