His Makeshift Wife

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When I informed him Mr Kingsley’s away at present, he asked if you might spare him a few minutes of your time.’ ‘Did he state his business?’ ‘No, ma’am. But he’s a soldier, a Colonel Hugo Prentiss. I think he could be a friend of Mr Kingsley’s from his army days, though I’ve never seen him before myself.’ ‘Very well, James, show him into the front parlour and tell him I’ll be with him presently.’ After removing her apron, Briony went through to the hall, pausing only briefly before the large mir...ror to check on her overall appearance before entering the small reception room. She then stopped dead in her tracks.
    She had not considered what type of person would be awaiting her, but she had never expected to find a giant of a man, with an alarming crop of reddish-brown hair, matching side whiskers and a great barrel of a chest. Not by any standard could the front parlour ever have been described as roomy. All at once it seemed considerably smaller with the unexpected visitor taking up so much of the space.

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His Makeshift Wife
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User Reviews:

Guest 5 years ago

This is a very interesting book I read the Manga as well. in the manga that dudes have a Dorito shaped head. So I like to call them Dorito senpai.

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