His Wife for One Night

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Suffocating. Jack walked through the rest of the house, unchanged since his mother had lived here, and he couldn’t quite handle that, either. So he grabbed the keys for Mia’s finicky pickup truck and then ransacked the mudroom for some tools.
“Where are you headed?” his father asked, standing in the doorway to the living room.Go back to your life. Mia’s words echoed in his mind.“Good question, Dad,” he said and left.He remembered the well in the high pasture. He’d put it together himself as part
... of an advanced earth science class in high school. Frankly, he was surprised the thing still worked.Within minutes of taking the mechanism apart, he saw that Mia had been keeping the pump together with a wing and a prayer and probably a fortune in gasket replacements. He laid the parts out on the back of the truck and did his best to clean them. The work was familiar. Comforting. Like the exertion of the past few days.His hands got busy and his mind went right back to Mia.I’ve loved you my whole life.Had he been blind?

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