Historical Discourse And Addresses Delivered At the 175th Anniversary of the Reformed Church, Readington, N.J., October 17, 1894

Cover Historical Discourse And Addresses Delivered At the 175th Anniversary of the Reformed Church, Readington, N.J., October 17, 1894
The book Historical Discourse And Addresses Delivered At the 175th Anniversary of the Reformed Church, Readington, N.J., October 17, 1894 was written by author Here you can read free online of Historical Discourse And Addresses Delivered At the 175th Anniversary of the Reformed Church, Readington, N.J., October 17, 1894 book, rate and share your impressions in comments. If you don't know what to write, just answer the question: Why is Historical Discourse And Addresses Delivered At the 175th Anniversary of the Reformed Church, Readington, N.J., October 17, 1894 a good or bad book?
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What reading level is Historical Discourse And Addresses Delivered At the 175th Anniversary of the Reformed Church, Readington, N.J., October 17, 1894 book?
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My dear brother, I rejoice with you in all that this day means to you and to your people, and trust that you and I may be per- mitted to continue our ministry to such congregations until we shall have rounded out a goodly life and then exclaim with tri- umph in the last words of Dr. Hardenbergh: " I am going to cast my crown before the throne. Now I shall go to rest, for I shall go to be with the Lord. Hosanna !" ^ddfess b^ f^e I^eO. ^l^eodore ^l^afer.
It gives me great pleasure ; I count it an
... honor and esteem it a high privilege to stand here this afternoon. To me it appears like a family reunion. The brothers and sisters toiled, wrought faithfully together until they had gotten some substance, and then with true, characteristic, American independence started for them- EEADINGTON EEFORMED CHURCH. 31 selves. They husbanded their resources until they were each able to care well and bountifully for their own. The strongest ties of love, fraternal intercourse and united effort bound them together as one church.

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