Historical Essays And Reviews

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It was a beautiful sunny morning, and every house was gay with flags.
I was told of a typical conversation in the crowd. One man remarked to his neighbour that it was lucky that the day was fine. " Do you not think," was the exalted answer, '' that the Lord knows the day on which His anointed comes to His holy place ? " It was no mere pageant which the people were assembled to behold : it was an acceptance on their part of a ruler who represented to them power making for righteousness.
Every st
...ceet and window was crowded with spectators when at midday the tolling of the great bell on the Kremlin announced that the Emperor had left the Petrovsky Palace and was on his way. Presently the bell, which had been tolling slowly, quickened into a lively peal, which was re-echoed by every bell in Moscow. Minute guns were fired, and a crash of sound rang through the ain The bells of Moscow are famous for their size and tone alike, and when all are rung together the effect is at first overpowering.

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