History of King Henry the Fourth, Part 2

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History of King Henry the Fourth, Part 2
Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616
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ii. 2. 60 : " in very happy time." 82. Against ill chances men are ever merry. " Thus the poet describes Romeo as feeling an unaccustomed degree of cheerfulness just before he hears the news of the death of Juliet" (Steevens). See R.andJ.v. i.
I fol.
85. Passing, Exceedingly ; used only before adjectives and adyerbs (Schmidt).
93. Our. Chapged by Capell to " your ;" but, as Clarke remarks, " it is just one of those fair-sounding proposals that this perfidious son of tricking Bolingbroke makes ;
... he proposes to let the forces on each side march by, that each party may see those that were to have contended with them, well knowing that no such thing will take place, having evi- dently had an understanding with Westmoreland as to what was to be really done." 94. Peruse. Survey, examine. See Ham. p. 257.
97. Lie, Occupy the same house or lodgings. Vaughan remarks that the same expression occurs rather quaintly in Holinshed, who says of Edward Balliol after his expulsion from Scotland, " After this he went and laie a time with the Lady of Gines, that was his kinswoman." 109.

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