History of the Planting And Training of the Christian Church By the Apostles 1

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History of the Planting And Training of the Christian Church By the Apostles 1
Neander, August, 1789-1850
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TBADrriONS RBSPBCTINa PETER. 373 of his life respecting which we haye no information, he extended still further the circle of his operations for the pro- pagation of the gospel. As he is not mentioned in the Acts later than the account of the deliberations at Jerusalem^ recorded in the 15th chapter, it seems probable that the scene of his subsequent labours lay at a distance from that city, According to an ancient tradition,* Peter published the gospel to the Jews scattered through Pontus, Gala
...tia, Cappadocia, Asia, and Bithyniai But this account has most probably been derived only from a misunderstanding of the superscri|)- tion of his first epistle.* This epistle of Peter leads us rather to suppose, that the scene of his labours was in the Partiiian empire, for as he sends salutations from his wife in Babylon,* this naturally supports the conclusion, that he himself was in that neighbourhood. And in itself, it is by no means impro- bable that Peter, whose ministrations related particularly to the descendants of the Jews, betook himself to a region where so many Jews were scattered ; and what we know of the early spread of Christianity in those parts, serves to confirm the opinion.

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