Homes for Workmen; a Presentation of Leading Examples of Industrial Community Development

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Two years ago it was like a thousand other country villages, of hit or miss construction, with architecture of a nondescript character and with nothing to attract one's attention to it or differentiate it from hundreds Hke it.
A Little Community That Had Vision In the summer of 1916, some of the men financially interested in this railroad, wishing to develop the town along fundamentally sound lines and to provide for the increased growth which they foresaw, called into con- sultation Mr. Grosve
...nor Atterbury, the New York architect, and invited him to visit Erwin and make recommendations to them as to the type of development that could be given to the town. The result of this visit of Mr. Atter- bury is a new Garden Village now springing into existence. It required a good deal of vision for a little community like this, tucked away in the mountains of Tennessee, without even a "cattle law" to keep the cows off the D EVELOPN3ENT ■ FOR • THE • HOLSTON • CORPORATI ON - ERWIN • TENN • GROSVENOR ATTERBURY • -ARCHT MEW-YORK-CITY 135 136 HOMES FOR WORKMEN ■ D EVELOPMErrr FOR THE HOLSTON- CORPORATION ■ ■ ERWIN TENN, FIP-ST FLOO^ PLAN SECOND -FLOOR PL.

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