Hood of Death

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The book Hood of Death was written by author Here you can read free online of Hood of Death book, rate and share your impressions in comments. If you don't know what to write, just answer the question: Why is Hood of Death a good or bad book?
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His wrists were roped to the car and probably Chick had shown Hans that he knew his knots by securing Nick for a long stay. There were clove hitches around his wrists, plus several bights to a square knot pinioning his arms together.
    He heard the four men talking in low voices and only caught Hans remark, "...we'll find out. One way or another." They climbed into their car, and as it passed under the floodlight closest to the drive Nick identified it as a '68 Ford, metallic green, four-door
...sedan. He was pinned at a wrong angle to get a decent look at the tag or quite identify the model, but it was not a compact.
    He applied his tremendous strength on the rope, then sighed. Cotton line but not household grade, shipboard stuff and strong. He worked up ample saliva, tongued it onto a section at his wrists, and began to gnaw steadily with his strong white teeth. The stuff was tough. He was chewing monotonously with his eyeteeth at the tough, sodden mass when Ruth came out and found him.

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