Hoops (1990)

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Then fifteen. At twenty minutes past the time Brad, Frank, Ellis and the other players should have checked in, Carolyn pulled on coat and gloves and marched up the cinder-strewn path through melting evidence of the season’s first snow to the Physical Education Center.
Just because C.J. Draper wasn’t the buffoon he’d chosen to pretend to be didn’t mean she could be charmed out of doing her job.
She’d been friendly—maybe too friendly—at the Homecoming dinner-dance. Lulled by his easygoing manner a
...nd perhaps a little embarrassed by her unfair assumptions about him, she’d remained in his company most of the evening.
They’d danced five times. He’d held her closer after the first few dances, but not so close that she’d felt obligated to protest. She’d wondered if he might try to tighten his hold, or perhaps even kiss her, say, at the door when they returned to the apartment. Not that she would have permitted it. Still, she’d felt a trace of surprise when he had simply pressed her hand and said good-night, not even asking to come in.

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