Hotter Than Helltown: An Urban Fantasy Mystery (Preternatural Affairs book 3)

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What reading level is Hotter Than Helltown: An Urban Fantasy Mystery (Preternatural Affairs book 3) book?
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If I was taking Isobel into Helltown, I needed to prepare.
Unfortunately, there wasn’t really any way to prepare for heading into Los Angeles’s neighborhood of demons, evil witches, and human slaves. You kind of just had to do it the same way you got into a freezing pool.
Just close your eyes and step off the edge.
Suzy spent the drive texting on her company cell phone.
“What are you doing?” I asked as we got onto the freeway again.
“Updating the team. Don’t mind me.”
The team? We had a team?
...ou’re texting Fritz.”
She shrugged. “He told me to keep him apprised.”
I wanted to order her not to tell him anything, but I resisted the urge. Fritz needed to know what was going down if I hoped to have any backup on my trip to Helltown.
But if I were about to do something dangerous with Isobel, he’d probably want to be involved in a bigger way than sending backup.
“What are you telling him, exactly?” I tried to make it sound like a casual question.
“Just a general update.”

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Hotter Than Helltown: An Urban Fantasy Mystery (Preternatural Affairs book 3)
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