Housing Plans for Cities

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(Paymt. 8.33 semi-monthly) 171.88 377.58 9th yr. (Paymt. 8.33 semi-monthly) 182.52 195.06 10th vr. (Paymt. 8.33 semi-monthly) 195.06 Pd. up These payments covering a total of twenty years are about as easily met by the purchaser as if he were paying rent, and at the end of that time he owns his own home. At the end of five years he already has a profit of about a thousand dollars on his investment. This is an especially attractive inducement.
Firestone Aids Its Employes.
The Firestone Tire & Ru
...bber Company, also located at Akron, O., has developed a housing plan through its subsidiary, the Coven- try Land and Improvement Company, very similar to the one un- dertaken by the Goodyear Company. Its project, known as Fire- stone Park, a suburban tract, was chosen for its natural beauty and its nearness to working centers. As materials for scores of houses were contracted for at one time, the company was able to sell attractive homes to its employes for prices below the average cost of such homes.

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