How the Peasant Owner Lives in Parts of France, Germany, Italy, Russia

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How the Peasant Owner Lives in Parts of France, Germany, Italy, Russia
Verney, Frances Parthenope, Lady, 1819-1890
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This, however, only indicates, according to La- fargue, " the excessive dispersion and entangling together of the tiny morsels" (sometimes down to a quarter of an acre in size), often over the whole of a commune, and perhaps a couple of miles or more apart, rendering all proper cultivation im- possible.
In places near large towns, where the land is most valuable, a placard is described, announcing with pride "a piece of ground to be sold, with four trees," vaunting itself over the lot along- si, which cannot possess the trees, because the code forbids them to be planted at less than six feet from your neighbour, and the whole width of the "estate" is not above twelve feet. The Chinese ideal of a perfect state of the land question quoted by Alfred de Musset must here be well in sight, where on each side "on Digitized by VjOOQ iC V PEASANT FRANCE IN 1787 AND 1887 173 entend le voisin se moucher." " A world where solitude could not exist," says John Stuart Mill, " is indeed a poor ideal." ^ The high value of land, considered as a symptom of prosperity by so many writers, is, accord- ing to the English economists, from the time of Arthur Young, only a proof that the French peasant has till now had no other mode of invest- ing his savings, which are buried in land, out of which it is impossible to get a decent interest for the money spent on it I was chatting one day with a group of dirty old women sitting in the middle of the street (there was no wheel trafl&c to interrupt us) at their doors in a small town of the limagne, one of the richest portions of France.

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How the Peasant Owner Lives in Parts of France, Germany, Italy, Russia
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