How They Strike Me, These Authors

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If any one up- sets him, he can do much toward righting himself; and if more be wanted has he not Lord Malmesbury or Lord Cla- rendon at his back ? But what would this Englishman say if his place of worship were disturbed by some wandering Italian?" Very just, you will say; a truthful description, certainly ; well worthy to take a place in the corre- spondence of a newspaper or a book of travels. But in the mean time the picnic is waiting. Such inter- polations are of very frequent occurrence.
...9 1)4 HOW THEY STRIKE ME, Nor is it in this respect alone that this author sins against art, retards the action and dulls the interest of his stories. He introduces too many characters, many of them mere passing acquaintances, who serve only to distract attention from the general subject of thought. Sometimes a counterplot and story run parallel with the principal narrative, yet have no necessary connection with and no effect upon it ; as, for instance, in " The Last Chronicle of Barset." Here Lilly Dale, the loves of John Eames, Mrs.

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