Idle Rhymings

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Lies in the grave on yonder hill.
Oh, gentle Spring, the earth caressing, Pleasant sight to me!
Pictures of thy love impressing On each bush and tree — There rises in my vision still.
That little grave upon the hill.
Comes alternate joy and sorrow.
In this life of ours.
Thorns to-day may bloom to-morrow.
With the richest flowers — Yet my poor heart is downcast still.
AVhile thinking of yon lonely hill.
Bound am I bv that sad token ^MORsanK^acBKaiaiaKjipph-MSBKspnKjin^KjianK^ 48 IDLE BHY3IINGS.
...Of the Savior's love, Bound by chains to live unbroken In the world above — But yet my heart sad niein'ries fill At sigrht of yonder lonely hill.
Tears of grief drive out the g-ladness From this heart of mine; I must ever l)ow in sadness, I must still repine — I can Init see, look where I will.
That little g^rave upon the hill.
That lost one yet I may recover On the other shore, WTien I pass Death's dark stream over, And shall j^rieve no more — No sorrow there, no thought of ill No lonely grave upon the hill.

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