Illegitimacy Laws of the United States : Passed During the Years 1919 And 1922, Inclusive

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What reading level is Illegitimacy Laws of the United States : Passed During the Years 1919 And 1922, Inclusive book?
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[Relating to descents and distributions.] Section 1. Repealing sections 31 1, 312 and 3L'i and enacting four new sections in lieu thereof. — That sections 311, 312 and 314 of article XV of chapter 1 of the Revised Statutes of Missouri for the year 1919. entitled " Descents and dis- tributions," be, and the same are, hereby repealed, and four new sections relating to descents and distributions of estates and to form a part of said article XV of said chapter 1, enactetl lieu of said repealed sections, and said new sections to be designated and numbered, respectively, as sections 311, 311a, 312 and 314 to read as follows: Sec. 311. Child born out of wedlock — rights and powers. — A child heretofore born out of wedlock shall hereafter be capable of inheriting and transmitting inheritance from its mother, and such mother may inherit from such child in like manner as if it had been born in lawful wedlock. A child hereafter born ILLEGITIMACY LAWS OF THE UNITED STATES.

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