
Cover Imposter
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Burke said, turning the car into a gravel parking lot.  “How about you?”The dashboard clock in the car read eight-eleven p.m.   She’d been late finishing work at the lab, in anticipation of her three day absence, and missed lunch.  The idea of food wasn’t unappealing, but the notion of sitting down to a meal with Burke, the normalcy of it, struck her as incongruous given their circumstances.  Still, she needed to eat.  Had to was more like it, whether she was hungry or not because of her diabeti...c condition.   After three years of living with the disease, she’d learned the routine and respected the necessity of adhering to it. But it left her feeling vulnerable.  She didn’t care for the feeling.      Burke parked beside the only other vehicle on the lot, a pick-up in need of a wash, and turned off  the car engine.  The diner was back lit by the lowering sun, lending a red glow to the peeling whitewashed structure.Burke took his black wallet out of the inside pocket of his jacket.  The shoulder holster beneath and the gun it held were revealed for an instant.

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