In Memory of Rufus W. Peckham, a Judge of the Court of Appeals, Who Perished On the Wreck of the Steamer Ville Du Havre, On the Voyage From New York to Havre, November 22nd, 1873

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The book In Memory of Rufus W. Peckham, a Judge of the Court of Appeals, Who Perished On the Wreck of the Steamer Ville Du Havre, On the Voyage From New York to Havre, November 22nd, 1873 was written by author Here you can read free online of In Memory of Rufus W. Peckham, a Judge of the Court of Appeals, Who Perished On the Wreck of the Steamer Ville Du Havre, On the Voyage From New York to Havre, November 22nd, 1873 book, rate and share your impressions in comments. If you don't know what to write, just answer the question: Why is In Memory of Rufus W. Peckham, a Judge of the Court of Appeals, Who Perished On the Wreck of the Steamer Ville Du Havre, On the Voyage From New York to Havre, November 22nd, 1873 a good or bad book?
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New York Superior Court, Judges' Chambers, New Court House, New York, Dec. l^th, 187.3.
Hon. Matthew Hale, Chairman of the Committee of the Albany County Bar.
Dear Sir : I regret that duties here will prevent my participating in the commemoration, at the Capitol, of the life and ser- vices of Judge Peckham. I had scarcely received the note of your Committee, which recalled to me the great loss the state suffered in the sad fate that deprived it of the services of a judge, so earnest, able, upri
...ght, and so zealous for truth and right, and with apparently many years before him, than the telegraph brought tidings of the death of another eminent judge, whose life had been preserved far beyond the ordinary term of human existence, and to whose wisdom and long extended public services, the whole country owes a debt of gratitude. Judge Nelson goes to his grave with the reverence and love of all of us who knew him person- ally, and in the fullness of time ; but in the untimely fate 53 of Judge Peckham, we lose a friend and a judge, in the meridian of his strength and usefulness, and who, in accord- ance with the laws of nature, might have been preserved to us for years.

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