In the Night of the Heat (2008)

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Nobody, no matter how powerful, was going to force me out of Hollywood. I finally called Len and left a message for him to file a sexual harassment complaint against Lynda Jewell, and to pursue a SAG inquiry into my accident on the set of Homeland. I left him Melanie’s name and number as my attorney. If Lynda Jewell wanted a fight, she had better gear up.
Round two.
Len’s assistant, Giovanni, dutifully took my message, but I could hear him wincing at every other word. “Uhm…Lynda Jewell? I’m sure
... Len will want to, uh…talk to you about…”
“There’s nothing to talk about,” I said. “Just tell him I want it done.”
If my prostitution history became public, it was meant to be. Dad was strong enough to handle it—but was Lynda Jewell? She might take me down, but I could take her down, too. All I had to do was find the evidence to prove my case, and I was pretty damned good at that.
There’s no bigger turn-on than shooting someone in the head. Jeanine’s words sapped away my celebratory buzz after my decision to go to war.

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