Indecent Proposal

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He imagined something awful. Something catastrophic. Something that would bring her brother, a DHS agent, to his door.Wes blinked and then grinned, like the asshole had him by the short hairs. “If you do the right thing she will be.”Do the right thing?Harrison inferred the only thing he could.And a reality he wanted desperately to deny sucker-punched him, driving all the air from his lungs.His savior that night had figured out who he was and was looking for her payout.It was Heidi all over again....“Outside.” Harrison smiled with all his teeth and led Wes out the door, past security and the assistants.Fuck. Camera crews. Journalists. There was a good chance someone in that room was getting on Google to figure out who Ryan Kaminski was. And within three hours there would be people camped out in front of her house, demanding to know how she knew Harrison Montgomery.Normally, no one would care, but his sister was all over the news these days.His heart pounding in his hands and behind his eyes, he opened the door to an old bedroom filled with boxes of holiday decorations.“After you,”

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