Index to the First Seventy Sheets of the Pickering Genealogy

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34 IX.
580 George t ....
23 VII.
133 Hoover, Charles Mitchel . 36 X.
812 Lydiat 23 VIII.
236 Ernest Ward . . .
. 36 X.
813 Mary Phippen * . .
23 VIII.
239 Eugenie Thomassin .
. 36 X.
816 Mart/ Stone t . . .
59 VIII.
755 Frank Pruette . .
. 36 X.
814 TON Hoffmann, Louis F.
17 XL 92 George Falconer . .
. 36 X.
815 Maria Anna ^ . . .
17 XL 93 Jean McKelvie * .
. 36 X.
810 Philip Maria Ward .
17 XL 94 Samuel Lemon . .
. 36 X.
808 Richard Freiherr % .
17 X.
soo Violetta * . . . .
36 X.
... Laurinda % .
50 VIII.
561 Wm. Henry Harrison t 36 IX.
621 Holland, Frances Temple 26 IX.
400 William Henry H. .
. 36 X.
811 Henry Osgood . .
26 X.
489 HopKiNSON, Grace Mellen II 62 VIII.
584'' John t 26 IX.
401 HoETON, Melissa Helen X . 35 IX.
600 Laura Peirce . . .
26 IX.
402 Hough, Elizabeth Francis . 32 X.
661 Nellie Howard X . .
38 IX.
672^ Frank Palfray * . .
. 32 X.
663 Samuel May X ■ ■ 26 VIII.
259 Grace . 32 X.
666 Sarah Marcia X ■ ■ 26 IX.
403 Helen Ida * . . .
. 32 X.

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Index to the First Seventy Sheets of the Pickering Genealogy
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