Industrial Engineering a Handbook of Useful Information for Managers Engineers

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Industrial Engineering a Handbook of Useful Information for Managers Engineers
William M William Miller Barr
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It forms fusible compounds with silica and many metallic oxides; it also melts at a mod- erate temperature, absorbing many infusible substances, such as lime, alumina, charcoal, etc. In some cases it acts as a reducing agent, as in the case of chloride of silver. When mixed with carbonate of potash a double salt is formed, which fuses at a lower temperature than either taken alone, a property very useful in the fusion of silicate, etc. (Hiorns. ) Sodium chloride, NaCl, or common salt, occurs in... nature in a nearly pure state. Rock salt has a specific gravity of 2. 35. Weight per cubic foot, 147 pounds, or 0. 084 pound per cubic inch. The solubility of pure salt in water is almost independent of temperature. Its melting point is 772 C. , 1, 421 F. It volatilizes at a red heat. Sodium chloride is the starting point in the preparation of all sodium compounds.
Sodium fluoride, NaF, occurs abundantly as cryolite, a so-called double fluoride of aluminium and sodium, represented by the formula Na 3 Al Fe.

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