Inquest (2015)

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Honestly, it's been a week. Can't we show it off yet?" Anj chided. Teague watched as he pulled Jewl's left hand out into plain view where all could see the sparkle of her new engagement ring. He didn't know much about rings, but Teague appreciated his father's taste. The thing wasn't gaudy and large, but it wasn't small and invisible either. Simple, yet elegant, just like Jewl.
    Sighing, Jewl let go of Anj's hand completely, glanced over at Teague and rolled her eyes before picking up a tray
...for lunch. She silently grabbed her lunch and then walked away.
    Anj didn't seem to notice, because he kept talking. "I have amazing taste in jewelry, and you want to keep it a secret? Especially when it'll make all of my adoring fans go nuts. Everyone has been waiting for this moment to happen. Give them their fairytale." "She left," Teague said, moving closer.
    "I realized that halfway through my speech," Anj mumbled. "There was a new draft, and I couldn't smell her anymore.

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