International Library of Technology: a Series of Textbooks for ..., volume 5

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International Library of Technology: a Series of Textbooks for ..., volume 5
International Correspondence Schools , International Textbook Company , International Textbook Company
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The temperature of the vessel and water being 65", and of the mixture 98J", what was the temperature of the chimney ?
Ans. 596".
4 An iron casting weighing 3 tons is cooled from 2.100" to 100"; (a) how many units of heat does it give up? (d) If all this heat could be utilized, how many pjounds of coal would it be equivalent to, assum- ing that 1 lb. of coal gives out 14,500 B. T. U. during its combustion ?
. ( (a) 1,557,600 B. T, U.
^^i{d) 107.421b.
1138. In all that has been said the preceding pages, only the phenomena relating to sensible heat have been con- sidered. If a quantity of pounded ice at a temperature of 32° be put in a vessel and held over the flame of a spirit lamp, heat passes rapidly into the ice and melts it ; but a thermometer resting in this mixture of ice and water shows no tendency to rise; it will remain at 32° until all of the ice has been melted. Where has the heat gone that was sup- plied to the ice ? This question was first investigated by Dr.

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International Library of Technology: a Series of Textbooks for ..., volume 5
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