Into Danger (Secret Assassins (S.a.S.S.) book 1)

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The book Into Danger (Secret Assassins (S.a.S.S.) book 1) was written by author Here you can read free online of Into Danger (Secret Assassins (S.a.S.S.) book 1) book, rate and share your impressions in comments. If you don't know what to write, just answer the question: Why is Into Danger (Secret Assassins (S.a.S.S.) book 1) a good or bad book?
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What reading level is Into Danger (Secret Assassins (S.a.S.S.) book 1) book?
To quickly assess the difficulty of the text, read a short excerpt:

This Stash had a brooding look that spelled dangerous with a capital D. He looked as if he’d been up most of the night—his hair was wind-tossed and he hadn’t shaved. He must have thrown on his oldest things—a dirty old sweatshirt and jeans so faded there were white creases in the most interesting places.
Marlena had never had a wild animal waiting on her doorstep before. She took in his appearance silently, from the top of his messy hair down, down those long Levi’s—pausing a moment there—to the
... scuffed-up shoes. There was a backpack by his feet.
She returned her gaze to his. “Bad night?” she asked lightly, holding the door ajar.
“What makes you think so?” he retorted, picking up the backpack and coming in.
Steve waited till they walked past the surveillance device he knew she’d left out in the hallway (she was a sensible assassin, if there were such a thing), until they were in the living room. Without another word, he pulled her around by the elbow and pushed her against the wall.

What to read after Into Danger (Secret Assassins (S.a.S.S.) book 1)?
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Into Danger (Secret Assassins (S.a.S.S.) book 1)
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