Israel Potter

Cover Israel Potter
Israel Potter
Melville Herman
The book Israel Potter was written by author Here you can read free online of Israel Potter book, rate and share your impressions in comments. If you don't know what to write, just answer the question: Why is Israel Potter a good or bad book?
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What reading level is Israel Potter book?
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" Pushing his florid corpulence into the mysterious aperture, the elderlySquire led the way up steep stairs of stone, hardly two feet in width, till they reached a little closet, or rather cell, built into themassive main wall of the mansion, and ventilated and dimly lit by twolittle sloping slits, ingeniously concealed without, by their formingthe sculptured mouths of two griffins cut in a great stone tabletdecorating that external part of the dwelling. A mattress lay rolled upin one corner, w...ith a jug of water, a flask of wine, and a woodentrencher containing cold roast beef and bread.
"And I am to be buried alive here?" said Israel, ruefully looking round.
"But your resurrection will soon be at hand, " smiled the Squire; "twodays at the furthest. " "Though to be sure I was a sort of prisoner in Paris, just as I seemabout to be made here, " said Israel, "yet Doctor Franklin put me in abetter jug than this, Squire Woodcock. It was set out with boquets and amirror, and other fine things.

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