It Takes a Worried Man

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This is something Dr. J told us about. Basically they will be pumping so much stuff into her veins and removing so much blood that it is just easier for everybody to have this two way hose hanging out of her instead of searching for a vein to jab an IV in every time. Her mom stays over so she can take Rowen to preschool in the morning, and Kirsten and I head over to the day surgery unit at the hospital.
Now, this particular hospital is the product of a recent merger, and one “campus” is the old
...Jewish hospital, and the other “campus” is the old Methodist hospital. And I do not presume to make any sorts of sweeping religious judgments by this, but everything on the Methodist side is just a little older and shabbier. The dingy MRI suite and subterranean cafeteria are on the Methodist side, while the gleaming oncology suite with the bird’s-eye view of bad field hockey games is on the Jewish side. Before you leap to the “Jews with money” conclusion that, if you’re honest, you know is on the tip of your mind right now, I should tell you that the whole beautiful building that houses the oncology suite is currently up for sale and this hospital as a whole seems to be in financial trouble.

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It Takes a Worried Man
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