Jade Star

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“No, stay there, Jules, and let me finish. I will escort you, of course. It will take us about two weeks to reach Lahaina.”“I know exactly how long it takes,” she said, her voice bitter. She clutched the arms of the chair until her knuckles showed white.“Yes, I guess you do. Then you will be reunited with your family.”And you will leave and I’ll never see you again.She watched him stride into the small parlor, making it seem even smaller with his presence, and for an instant, saw him wearing his... ragged, cut-off pants. His legs were tanned, and long and thick with muscle. She saw him diving after her, dunking her, laughing with her. She felt a spurt of warmth deep in her belly. She felt his eyes on her and kept her face down. Maybe she should look at him straight, she thought. Maybe he would see into her mind and keep her with him. But no. He was giving her his very patient look; he was prepared to calmly demolish her every protest. But she wasn’t a child any longer. But how to make him realize that?Jules drew a deep breath, and plowed forward.

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