Jean Jaurès, Socialist And Humanitarian

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Jean Jaurès, Socialist And Humanitarian
Margaret Pease
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Far from decreasing the time spent in the "active" army, France in- creased the amount of time to three years in 1913. On this occasion Jaures resisted the proposal with all his strength. Il6 JEAN JAURES He shows at length by the example of Switzer- land what a really democratic army should be; how it should rely, not on the professional soldier separated from, and alien to, the life of the nation, but on the elan of the whole people sweeping forward in an irresistible because highly trained What Jaures wanted indeed was to see the people taking an interest in the army and con- trolling it, and for this purpose he advocated all reforms which tended to make soldiers of the citizens and citizens of the soldiers. To him the armed nation meant the just nation. When the whole nation was organized for de- fence, war would become unthinkable for any other reason than defence. What he asked was that the nation should organize its military force without any class or caste prejudice, without any other desire or ambition whatever than the national defence.

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Jean Jaurès, Socialist And Humanitarian
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